Bug Report: Button inside list view element not triggering

My objective is to create kind of a nested dynamic list, where I can add elements both to the outer and inner list via buttons. For that, each list element of the outer list view has a button assigned which should populated its inner list entries.
However, buttons rendered within a list view element seem not to trigger. I first tried to run some javascript on click which didn't work. In the end I recognized that even the confetti is not trigged by the button click. The button outside of the list view works.

Hi @yannick_pricenow, I wasn't able to reproduce the behavior with a List View in a Wizard component -- could you attach a JSON export of your application with the behavior? Happy to look into this more.

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Thanks for your answer. Super weird, I removed the buttom from the list view element and re-added it via drag'n'drop and now it is triggering.
If the issue will happen again I will provide you with a json export :slight_smile:

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