[bug] Query Library should warn before abandoning unsaved changes

Say you've been editing a shared, important query in the Query Library and you click the blue New button to start a small test query. In this case, Retool should warn the user, as changes will not be saved to the original query.

A popup is currently shown when navigating away from the current query to another, existing query: You have unsaved changes - are you sure you want to leave? (Cancel, OK)

However, when creating a new query while editing an existing query, no such popup is shown.

This leaves potentially hours of work erased. Note: the query history does not show any changes.

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Hi there,

Thanks for reaching out to us. I've gone ahead and created a feature request for this. I’ve added this thread to the request. That way, if there are any updates I will be pinged on my side and can immediately inform you here. Thank you for your assistance with this!