Blank screen when editing Workflow

When I open a workflow my screen is completely blank. I get the same blank screen for each solution I try below.

I've tried duplicating the workflow and opening the duplicate.

I've tried other browsers (was on Chrome, tried Safari).

I've tried opening the workflow from an app where it's embedded.

I've tried downloading the JSON and importing as a workflow.

I've even tried on different laptops and in Incognito tabs.

Any suggestions?

Hi @David_McCandless,

Welcome to the community!

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Try clearing your browser cache and cookies.
  • Try disabling any browser extensions or plugins that you are using.
  • Try opening Retool in a different browser.
  • Try opening Retool in a private or incognito window.
  • Try opening Retool from a different device.

Hope this helps.




Thanks for the prompt response.

When I posted this, I had already:

  • Try opening Retool in a different browser.
  • Try opening Retool in a private or incognito window.
  • Try opening Retool from a different device.

This AM I cleared cookies and cache in Safari and tried. Still, the white screen. I have no browser extensions in Safari.

Yesterday I told my wife I'd lost my day's work in Retool and she prayed to Jesus I'd get it back in the next five minutes. I got off the phone and tried one other hack - I opened a new Workflow and then clicked the three dots next to 'Deploy' and selected 'Import from JSON'

That worked - mostly. Praise Jessu!

I say 'mostly' and not 100% because of one remaining issue:

My startTrigger Test JSON Parameters were not recognized. I had to copy them and paste them for the workflow to 'recognize' those parameters.

But at least I didn't lose all my work!

Do you have any other suggestions if this happens again? Do you reckon my Workflow got 'corrupted' or something like that?

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Hey all! This was due to a bug on our end that should now be fixed :rocket: Let us know if you still see this behavior on your end!

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Thanks for the heads up @lauren.gus!



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