We wan't to add our aws postgres database as a ressource but having trouble making a successfully connection -
We have successfully added the identity-policies so that our database has been found and we used the credentials autofill using the acces key ID og secret key ID from AWS.
The CIDR IP-address as an inbound rule on our RDS has also been added.
After these steps, we put all the information and credentials needed to add the ressource, but there is no connection. We get the "Test connection failed: Connection terminated due to connection timeout".
Will you assist on what our next move should be to get a connection?
Looking forward for your answer
I think you're missing at least 2 CIDR IP addresses on your inbound rules. I think you're suppose to add the individual IP addresses also? maybe try without them first to avoid adding unused rules?
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Hi @bobthebear
Thank you for your reply
I only need to use the outbound region so i can connect to retool's Europe infrastructure. And since i have added the CIDR range then the individual addresses should be included in the range.
We also have a SSH tunnel which we want now to connect with. But we are running into some difficulties around the part with retools public key that is needed to be added.
Have you done that before and are willing to assist? Or is there anyone else who have done that before who can assist me?