Available storage

we have setup RETOOL on our internal AZURE environment with the downloaded dongle. Our IT organization wants to make a daily backup but this generates an error in this directory:
\var as it is 100% used:

Anyone knows why this is?

Hello @SNMVR6!

Could you give me more details on the dongle you used?

I am unfortunately not very familiar with IT hardware if you are trying to back up the deployment/DB onto a hard drive.

Here are some of our docs on backups, as there are many options for getting a DB image snapshot to save for backup purposed. However, troubleshooting errors on this is very difficult :sweat_smile:

Hi Jack_T, thank you for your response. I am not an expert so if you tell me how to provide you the DONGLE information, I will do it.

Hi @SNMVR6 I am also not an expert with hard drive backups :sweat_smile:

I found this forum post on the Microsoft forums about doing backups might be helpful.

Can you share a screenshot of the "\var as it is 100% used:" ?

does this help:
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/root 29G 29G 131M 100% /

Hello @SNMVR6,

Unfortunately that does not help me too much :sweat_smile:

This sounds like a hardware issue more so than a Retool issue. You might have better luck getting to the issue as to how your disc space is being used and how to free it up to backup you DB from some other online resources.

I was googling around and found these posts,and this, related to disc space issues that may be helpful.