Goal: I want to change an exisiting REST API resource to use a 'Custom Auth'. Previously they were created by using OAuth2 Generic but I would like to be able to re-auth using the Auth Login module.
It appears my REST API resources do not show up as source in the Auth Login Module. Only REST API resources I created from scratch using Custom Auth are showing up and also some OpenAPI resources I created but not the REST API resources that were created in the past and are now changed to use Custom Auth.
So to clarify, were you able to change the auth option on your REST API resource from 'OAuth2 Generic' to your custom auth successfully? Is the only issue with re-auth is that the Auth Login component isn't picking up the edited resource?
If the edited resource is not appearing in the 'auth login' components dropdown then you might need to replace the edited REST API resource with the same info in a newly created from scratch resource using Custom Auth.
If it still isn't showing up let me know. You might need to share a screenshot of how you set up the updated auth resource.
I can make a feature request to see if we can improve on either the editing feature or the component's tracking so it can detect updated resources.