Assistance with Integrating Stripe and Brex Data into Retool for Real-Time COGS Calculation

Hi Retool Support Team,

I hope this message finds you well. My name is Yash Patel, and I am with Legion Health, PA, a pioneering telepsychiatry startup. We are looking to enhance our financial analytics capabilities by integrating Stripe and Brex data into Retool to calculate our Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) in real time.

Why We Want to Integrate Stripe and Brex with Retool

  1. Stripe Integration:
  • We use Stripe Connect to manage payments for our contractor clinicians.
  • Real-time integration will allow us to track these payments accurately and include them in our COGS calculations, giving us a clear picture of our expenses and profitability.
  1. Brex Integration:
  • We utilize Brex for various operational expenses, including purchasing items like Qbtech and Amazon blood pressure cuffs.
  • Integrating Brex transaction data will enable us to include these costs in our COGS, ensuring a comprehensive view of our financials.

Our Requirements and Questions

  • Steps for Integration:
    • We need detailed steps on how to connect Stripe and Brex transaction data to Retool.
    • Guidance on setting up real-time data synchronization to keep our financial metrics up to date.
  • Using n8n:
    • We are considering using n8n for this integration. Any insights or documentation on how to use n8n with Retool for this purpose would be highly valuable.
  • Existing Integrations:
    • Does Retool already have built-in integrations with Stripe and Brex?
    • If so, could you provide documentation or examples on how to leverage these integrations?

Your support in helping us build out this integration will be invaluable. We aim to streamline our financial processes and improve our decision-making capabilities through accurate and real-time data. Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards,
Yash Patel
Legion Health

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