Arrays and array.reverse()

I am trying to setup a cascading component.
I have code to take the firestore query and put it into an array that the component uses. It works, but then I need to reverse the internal arrays with .reverse(). That is when I get the error and breaks the component. But the output window shows exactly what I want.

I can't figure it out. Is is something to do with my top level nodes haveing a .parent = null?

The bug is the way the cascader component handles the structure. In this example, I have a third instance in the second array. That is what makes the error happen. If an array structure follows its matching array and has more instances, it throws the error. If I move the third instance to the other array above it doesn't error.

Hi @Michael_Wiskow Any chance you can share an app export or a screen recording? I'm having trouble reproducing this issue


can you gives us example data for

    _id: number,
    parent: number,
    value: string

to get as close as I could to your code I ended up with the following:

const myDataStructure = {
data: [
    _id: 0,
    parent: 0,
    children: [10, 12],
    value: null
    _id: 10,
    parent: 0,
    children: [22, 23],
    value: "Metal"
    _id: 22,
    parent: 10,
    children: [22],
    value: "Aluminum"
    _id: 30,
    parent: 22,
    children: [0],
    value: null
    _id: 12,
    parent: 0,
    children: [24],
    value: "Plastic"
    _id: 23,
    parent: 10,
    children: [0],
    value: "Iron"
    _id: 24,
    parent: 12,
    children: [33, 38],
    value: "Soda"
    _id: 33,
    parent: 24,
    children: [40],
    value: "MtDew"
    _id: 38,
    parent: 24,
    children: [0],
    value: "Pepsi"
    _id: 40,
    parent: 33,
    children: [40],
    value: "Diet MtDew"
    _id: 50,
    parent: 40,
    children: [0],
    value: "Diet Double Dew"
] //end data prop
} //end obj
const data =;

function buildTree(node, nodeArray){
  if(node.parent) {
    const parentNode = data.find(item => item._id === node.parent);    
    //to fix needing to use .reverse() switch the following 2 lines so they're in this order:
    buildTree(parentNode, nodeArray);

function buildTree2({parent, value}, nodeArray){
  if(parent) {
    const parentNode = data.find(({_id}) => _id === parent);    
    buildTree2(parentNode, nodeArray);


const treeArray = [];

data.forEach((node) => {
  const nodeArray = [];
  buildTree2(node, nodeArray);

return treeArray;

I did go ahead and make buildTree() so you don't need to use .reverse() later on. I also included buildTree2() which just has a small improvement. the addition of the children property for each leaf/node will let you use in-order, pre-order and post-order seach strategies. i also used _id's starting with the magnitude (the number in parentheses bellow)... if you really wanted to you can combine this w the use of children re-order/build your tree by id changing ur basic Trie(tree) into an AVL Trie (self balancing) w just a couple rebalancing/rotation functions. if you have large datasets the normal tree you have can get way off balance leading to some searches always taking forever. to be considered balanced the largest difference in magnitude of any node needs to can only be +/- 1. bellow u can see Diet Double Dew has a mag of 5 and Pepsi of 3, making the Soda node unbalanced

the only problem here is that this code works =/. the only difference between ours should be the data structure, but I can't help too much there without seeing the type/structure of the node variable or of heres the output from above though:

sorry if the tree rant is too much... lol i REALLY like data structures and the AVL Tree is actually my favorite :innocent: :sunglasses:. btw if anybody can tell me why some places have them spelled Trie and others Tree I'd be super happy, it always bothers me and I've just assumed it was some old-timey spelling or weird British spelling (color doesn't have a 'u' in it!!!) but I'm sure I'm wrong... probably... idk but it's weird to see

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I have since solved my problem by sorting the data for the cascader properly so that all the lengthier arrays are first, also eliminating the need for reverse.

To replicate the error just copy and paste the following into the structure. It is the exact example array that comes from the default component when added to the project. The only difference is I remove "running" from the second index.


Thanks for chiming in @bobthebear !!

Glad you were able to move forward, @Michael_Wiskow & thanks for sharing your solution!

Also, thank you for the data examples; I'm able to reproduce the error now