API upload image via URL in Workflow

This is the working way for me as I'm uploading the images to Ragic (the numbers are the cell/field id)

However, if the images' names don't have an image extension, they will cause some problems in Ragic. Because of that, I have been trying to add an image extension to the file but nothing has worked for me so far.

I have tried this, but it doesn't work even without the manually assigned image extension:

"name": {{left.data.name+'.png'}},
"type": {{left.data.type}},
"sizeBytes": {{left.data.sizeBytes}},
"base64Data": {{left.data.base64Data}}

Is there a way for me to add image extension to those image objects? Thank you!

Is this what your looking for?

Thank you Haseeb, it works great! I didn't think that we needed an extra step for transforming like that. I'm curious why pasting the whole object into the value field wouldn't work, like this:

"name": {{left.data.name + '.png'}},
"type": {{left.data.type}},
"sizeBytes": {{left.data.sizeBytes}},
"base64Data": {{left.data.base64Data}}

It might be because javascript between the {{ }} isn't being parsed correctly.