Any option to re arrange components if some others are hidden?

Hi i got some conditionals in my app:

  1. if client = VIP, will show some fields
  2. if client = NORMAL then some fields will be hidden, any chance to re arrange components so i dont have empty spaces?

like this image attached its a client NORMAL i highlighted in red the empty spaces, any alternative?

Hi @agaitan026, I would recommend using the container component for this! Within a container, if any of the child components are hidden, any subsequent components will move up to fill in the space left by the hidden component. If you need additional control over the placement of the child components, you can even enable multiple views of the container based on a conditional.


Container works great for moving them up vertically, but a sort of left-alignment would also be great.

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Yes but the thing with container im getting too much load on my app

Agree container would probably be the best existing solution here for your original question about rearranging components if others are hidden. If you have more/separate questions about containers, performance or alignment etc, let's create another topic or Feature Request. Thanks everyone!

btw @shawnhoffman there are early plans to ship a new version of Container so stay tuned - more options may be included that help with your alignment point.