Advanced > Preloaded CSS > "...homepage"?

The ability to apply preloaded CSS is helpful, but I don't quite understand the toggle to "apply these styles to the homepage". More specifically, what is considered to be the homepage? I would expect the homepage of my app to naturally follow any system-wide preloaded CSS.

If "homepage" refers to the login screen of Retool, then I think this label is not very clear. The toggle is also aligned to the top right, making it seem as if this controls the entire CSS, rather than just a single option.

What do you all think? Confusing, or is it just me? :wink:

Great question!

Can confirm, very confusing :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Lack of tool tip and lack of any docs to explain what this toggle does is something we can improve on, and I would like to apologize for this.

Now I can learn what this does(what qualifies as a homepage :grimacing:) and file a report to improve this to better explain the use case! :saluting_face:

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