Add Target Destination to File Input Components

There's currently an option to Upload File To Retool Storage but it automatically stores the file in the root folder. It'd be helpful if we could select a destination folder (if we could dynamically supply this we could have a folder for each user or one for just uploads that can get as unorganized with horribly named files as it wants... as long as its not making the root folder a mess making things difficult for me. I wouldn't care as much about the co-worker(s) who name everything file(1) through file(9999999), but right now i feel like i'll have better luck with hoping for an update than trying to break bad habits (insert picture of Sheldon attempting Pavlovian Training on Penny :laughing: :rofl:).

Hopefully I'm not the only one who's stuck with attempting social engineering to avoid headaches like this:

I need to ask for a raise :expressionless:


This actually is a feature we have! :tada:

thank you!!!! I'm about to make everything in and uploaded to a folder named WhatIsThis until "someone" gets the hint... with copies hidden somewhere else, I'm not cruel lol

My Friday just got even better!

Hahahaha I love it! Happy to help!