Add style, icons and more to actions in actionsheet

This feature request is for retool mobile.

It would be nice to be able to style and change the actionsheet and its actions. I noticed it’s not possible to add icons. Right now I use silly symbols to get a checkbox :ballot_box_with_check: icon.

Being able to change the color or add a caption would be a nice addition as well. Perhaps the ability to hide actions based on variables or disable them?

This is what I do now to display some sort of feedback that it has been clicked already.

Hello @Steven_W!

I can definitely make a feature request to add in additional styling and controls as you describe.

Just to clarify, which component are you talking about? I am not sure there is any component called 'actionsheet'.

From your screen shot it looks like you have a 'select' component and you have the red box around one of the Label options.

Also for the 'hide actions' are you thinking of hiding one of the select rows completely?

It should definitely be possible for us to add the functionality to have these options disabled, become hidden, add in sub-captions and change their color programmatically!

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I am actually talking about the actionsheet in retool mobile. It’s not a component. But perhaps it should be. Or some sort of container where you can add other components.

I was thinking that it would be useful to be able to populate the actionsheet using JavaScript so that the menu is dynamic.


Ah I see thank you for the clarification!

It is interesting that it isn't a component, might be an artifact from early iterations of mobile development.

I definitely agree that it would be much more useful to give users a greater level of control. Using raw JS would be very interesting and give users a lot of flexibility but might get a little too complex trying to have it compile an run performantly.

We can definitely look into adding symbols, colors, caption, dynamic interpolation and hiding/disabling!

That would be nice. I did look at navigation -> open bottom sheet. But this has no overlay. Also it feels clunky. And it doesn't open all the way. Plus you'll have to account for all the extra code to get the exact feel and I guess you won't be able to copy that and get it exact right.

Very true, the overlay of action sheets has a much better UI feel to them.

I filed the ticket so the mobile team will know that actionsheets needs great customization and programability.

Will post in this thread with any updates I hear from the team, we appreciate your patients!

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