Add modified time to pages of docs and related topic link of community to changelog

Recently, most of my interesting thing is to read the changelog of Retool. Especially part of new table component.

I have two feature request for better to understand the release.

  1. Can add the last modified time of pages of docs at the bottom right. I think it's important, we can make sense if this pages is updated recently, if updated we will read it. Also, if the docs is hosted in github, it will be better. Because we can track the detail of change.

2.Add the related topic link of community to changelog. Sometime the explain is not enough in changelog, if attached topic link, we can find the detail of issue ourself.

Conclude: All these feature will make us to come with the update of Retool in the furture.


@AnsonHwang I love these ideas! And so does the Docs team - I shared both suggestions with them and they have actually already been looking into ways to support a "last updated date" feature on docs pages.

We're also looking into moving toward a scalable system for referencing community forum posts from the changelog. It will be great to more clearly show the feedback loop and point to where the requests/bug reports originated in the forum.

We'll keep you updated here as one or both of these things become a reality! Don't have a timeframe for this yet but we're actively scoping out how to do both. Thank you for requesting here!

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@AnsonHwang the docs pages now reflect the "last updated date!"

Still working on improvements to the changelog, including something like making it more visible when a changelog note directly addressed feedback from a community thread. Will keep you posted on changelog improvements.

@AnsonHwang you may have noticed that our Changelog design has been updated! My colleagues on the Docs team have really done a great job to make it much more clear what kinds of updates are made in each release, including Added, Fixed, Improved, Changed categories:

Hope you like it, and let us know if you have thoughts on the new design.

We're still looking into options for how best to make the linkage between the forum threads containing the feedback/bug report/feature request and the corresponding Changelog item. We want to do this in a scalable way. But for now, the "Fixed" section will contain most Bug fixes, and the "Added" should contain most implemented feature requests.

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Excited to share that the docs team made progress on the request around linking a relevant community forum topic in the changelog, like in this example:

We're starting to do this with new feature Announcement posts, so there's a linkage between the announcement of a new feature in our changelog and its corresponding topic for initial feedback and discussion in the forum. A few months after the initial feature announcement we may close the announcement in favor of encouraging creating new topics in the relevant existing forum categories.

Changelog entry, corresponding forum topic. The Comment button at the bottom right in the screenshot links to the forum topic. If comments are added, they'll be embedded on the changelog page for that entry.