Add field labels to "Insert a new row" in a table

On a table, when a user hits the "+" icon to add a new row, they see a modal like this:

It's difficult to tell what field is what. It'd be easier if there were a label for each field. Some options:

  • Change the placeholder to the field name
  • Add a header to each column with the field name

Hey @morley! This seems to be a screenshot for the Legacy Table component. We actually just implemented this feature for the new Table component, and it does exactly what you suggested! (It adds placeholders in each cell based on what the cell type is).

You can check out this feature here: New: Add New Row Toolbar Button on Table.

Let me know if you have any questions!

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@Darya_Verzhbinsky Ah I see, I missed that I was on the Legacy Table component!

Is there a special workflow for upgrading Legacy Tables to the new component? According to this doc, there's supposed to be a link to upgrade, but I don't see one in that table's menu:

@morley Unfortunately we have not implemented an auto-upgrade for the Table component. You will have to do that manually. But please let us know here if you run into issues! We'd be happy to help :blush: