Add a Direction Key & Breadcrumbs or Other Navigation to Wizard Components

In Wizard components it would be really helpful to easily see whether the user is progressing forward or clicked previous and went back a step. I know there is the stepHistory key that could yield this information with some logic, but I believe it is important enough that it should be it's own key.

Wizards also need an integrated breadcrumb component that lets the user see all the steps (with the ability to hide steps or the entire breadcrumb component). The regular breadcrumb component doesn't accurately show where in the wizard the user is.

Hello @Sam_S!

Thanks for the great feedback, will file a feature request for these.

We are looking to publish our new multi-page app soon which will hopefully have most of these features included for navigating around apps with multiple sub-apps within them as we look to move away from the Wizard component :sweat_smile:

Stay tuned for release notes!