Access failure for BigQuery linked to Google Sheet

I still get error when trying to get data from BQ table from Google spreadsheet: "Access Denied: BigQuery BigQuery: Permission denied while getting Drive credentials."
Is there a way how this can be fixed? I've tried to use `` around name, but this did not solve the problem.

I still see the error for on-prem Retool, but don't see the updated scopes reflected in the BQ resource - is this available for on-prem?

Hi @found-meesh, the scopes field should be available in latest version of 2.121+

Hi @mondob are you running this query on prem as well or is this a Cloud account?

Hi @Tess,
This is Cloud account.

I'm running into the same issue while using a service account on Retool on-prem 2.123.8-9855128 (Build 1565). @Tess do you know if the fix you described here is intended to work for service account auth as well?

Hi @mkh Thanks for checking in! I looked into this and the service account fix appears to have shipped separately on v3.3+

Oh actually, @mkh, I see that it was also backported to 2.123, but you need to be on 2.123.10+

@mondob can you share a screenshot of the scopes you're using for this resource?