Uploading an Excel File through File Picker

Hi there,
I’m looking for a way to upload an Excel file to a table through the File Picker tool and make it readable. I know it only directly works with CSVs and JSON, and currently I have reps uploading CSVs to the table, however I would love to be able to have them upload an excel file to the table instead.

Is there a good way to parse this? I don’t know what code should be used in a query to run once the Excel file is uploaded. Thanks!

Hey @gpoll β€” great question! The File Picker component has a {{filepicker.parsedValue}} prop that you can use to display the XLSX data right in the table component (or select a sheet from the Excel file).

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@alex @gpoll
I'm trying to do this as well but it seems like your UI has completely changed.

Referring to the video, how would I do this now? Seems like filepicker is not an available component in the list. Only File button, file dropzone and file input are available, and none of them I can see my parsed data and use it to fill in a table. I'm trying to follow this example and I also can't seem to see "temporary state panel" on the left hand side.


Hey there :wave: I noticed you posted this question in a separate thread so I will respond there :slightly_smiling_face:

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A post was split to a new topic: Manipulating uploaded Excel data