Remove border from Editable Text1 component


When the Editable Text1 has focus, there is a slight blue border around it:

How can we delete or hide this?

Thanks! :pray:


Hello, Here is workaround.

._retool-editableText1 ._0Puzs.shouldUseV3Styles._0x-sX{

If you want to debug css yourself.
Here is good tool - Emulate a focused page, using this tool you can inspect html element that disappears from DOM on lost focus as in this case.(I take me hours to find this tool :joy:)

As state in office docs. Its style or class name change over time, at that time
you may need to update the class path again.

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Thank you @AnsonHwang! Works great!

I was wondering, HOW did you find out that "._retool-editableText1 ._0Puzs.shouldUseV3Styles._0x-sX" is the CSS selector for that component?



use chrome devtool to inspect css