Google Calendar (and other calendars) integration

Working with calendar feeds is super complex and challenging. It would be awesome if Retool could natively support Google Calendar APIs similar to


Keen for this. @galenking curious if you've found any workarounds? Cheers!

Yes, I just used the Google Calendar API—turns out it was way easier than I’d expected and Nylas wasn’t needed.

Do you have docs on how to do this? Would love to see how you made this happen. Thanks!

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Hi @mspringer! I'd be happy to help get you spun up here. Here's an example resource connecting to the Google Calendar API, where the green underlines highlight the required fields:

On the Google side, you'll need to

1. paste your Client ID and Client secret from Google to Retool

2. paste your Retool OAuth callback URL (provided in the Retool resource page) into Google's Authorized redirect URI field

Let me know if you run into any specific errors :slight_smile:

Could you help me with now showing the calendar within the app I have done the aforementioned steps. I am having trouble with running the query to show

Hey Josh! Would you mind sharing some screenshots of what you currently have?

Can we get an updated version of this solution? @victoria

doc - Authenticate with Google APIs using OAuth 2.0 | Retool Docs

Hey @Alestalgie! Happy to help here. Do you have any specific questions I can help answer? We're planning on writing an official Google Calendar connection doc so I want to make sure we can answer all your questions!

I do.

this gives me an error

and how can I make sure that whoever uses the tool authenticates the rest api google calnendar query when they first use the app.

I can see nothing to do that, and we need to go to edit mode and go to query and use Re-auth, for every new user.

I want the user to see a prompt asking them to authienticate this api, first time they use the app only, and then, I expect it to work

Thanks @victoria, I was able to connect the Google API and have CRUD operations on my calendar. However, I'm trying to set the option 'sendUpdates' to TRUE which shouldn't be on the BODY but should be an optional parameter. Any idea how to achieve this?

See more info here.