Using as Endpoint a RowValue

Hello, how can I use as Endpoint a RowValue?

I would like to use as endpoint for my apicall the value "0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48" that is showed into the first row.
Any tips?

Hey @abovethecloud!

You should be able to pass your value directly into the field next to the base URL with an in-line transformer:

Can you let us know if that works?

Hello! It works, but it means that every time I have to select the Row and it doesn't work for all the rows automatically.

That should be possible using additional scope - our docs on running an API request for each row in a table go into more detail on how to set this up exactly. Let me know if that helps?

Hey, as I wrote here the example is not the best as it uses an API that doesn't works

Hey @abovethecloud, I replied there with a couple of options you might explore to process the data from your query. Would you mind also sharing here what exactly you're looking to do with that data? Maybe there are some additional ideas around what you can do that are more specific to your use case.