URL query params - infinite loop


I have spent around 8 hours trying to get around issues with my URL-parameters controlled view ending up in a very reproducible endless loop. I'm pretty much at my wits end and I realize that this most likely is caused by something very specific to my setup, as I am unable to recreate this in a minimal application.

Any pointers or guesses are very welcomed...

Here are some more details:

URL Params config


Table data and indexing

Products table



Recipes table



The table data

      "code": "100w-ipa-fat",
      "frozenAt": null,
      "marketProductsByProductCode": {
        "nodes": [
            "id": 6621,
            "marketName": "SE",
            "recipes": {
              "nodes": [
                  "id": 7563,
                  "marketName": "SE",
                  "status": "COMPLETE",
                  "title": {
                    "defaultText": "100W 6,8% On Tap"
                  "oldProductId": "100w-ipa-fat",
                  "defaultRecipe": true
      "title": {
        "defaultText": "100W 6,8% On Tap"
      "marketProductId": 6621

Hey @Herge, I've encountered a very similar looping problem when two-way syncing text input and select components with hash parameters. Contrary to the documentation, I found that leaving the default index/value blank fixed this. To me, whatever you enter in the second part of the URL parameters config (Connect properties on the page to values in the URL) is already doing the job of setting defaults, and it's the duplication in function that results in looping.

I don't know if the documentation is wrong, or if its a particular use case that doesn't require default index/value to be populated, but it might be worth trying. You should test in both directions, i.e. interact with your tables to observe the change in hash parameters, and vice versa.

Hey @ryanm and thanks for the response. Sadly this is part of what I've tried in my 4-5 different implementation of the same UI-flow... Tried again now to be sure, but the issue remains.

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Ah sorry I couldn't be of more help! I hope you can get it sorted :smiling_face:

After implementing another query parameter-based persistence on some table filtering fields I'm noting a pattern; URL params that are based on remotely fetched data seem to be removed inexplicably.

Here's a gif of it happening, looping the same way as the original issue



Once again I cannot reproduce this in a minimal app without remotely fetched data. Tried without "Connect properties" and without "Default value", no difference.

Hi @Herge

I know that you mentioned outside of this thread that you have somewhat of a workaround implemented. I'd still love to get this in a fully functioning state! Let me know if you're free to jump on a call (or if you can join office hours) to delve into this a bit further!