Table component auto-size bouncing/flickering

@Paulo here is a video example of the form component flickering in a modal body when the modal is set to "expand content to fit". flickering-form-in-modal-body-with-modal-expand-content-to-fit.webm
if you watch the whole video you'll see when I check/uncheck the flicker starts/stops, so it seems to be related to "expand content to fit" at least for the modal.

Thank you all for looking into this! :crossed_fingers:


I experience this when using tables in modals in full screen with expanded content to fit width. Occurs regardless of number of columns, rows or data types (based on some testing).

Edit: I've noticed this happens specifically when I select the table component. If I cmd + click to unselect the component, the wiggling ceases.

Edit: Above is not consistent... wiggling seems increasingly random.

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i'm also able to unfortunately reproduce this and the client isn't thrilled with the near stroke it gave them. LOL

anyway, mine is happening with a table inside another table. it's the child table(s) that start dancing. mine is now doing that if the table is on fixed as well as always when it's set to auto. i can share a video if you'd like

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please share the video, I'm happy to add it to the report. :memo:

okay, i'll do that later tonight. i can tell my gummy just kicked in because i found an idea that might be a hack - if i load the child table as auto, then change it to fixed (manually, with my mouse), the result seems to be what i want (auto) without the dance. i'm unsure if that's do-able with a simple script, but i'll give it a shot

Thank you! Would fixed height work for you on the meantime? :upside_down_face:

how does it print if there's vertical scroll?

Do you mean printing the page? :face_with_monocle:
We could use the Download interaction or table.exportData.

i'm suggesting - my client feels the need to print all kinds of reports and if an element has scrolling, of course nothing gets printed that isn't visible on the screen, so i really need everything visible - hence my need for auto (or, dynamic) height. if the entire page scrolls, that's fine, it will just print multiple pages.

Understandable, we'll let you know when this bug is fixed. For now, we may need to set the table to a fixed height, where we can fit the result from the pagination, and print for each page.

I also have this issue and want to track the solution…


Hey Paulo,

Is there an update on this? We've come into what we can only call as 'shaky' components. Very hard to reproduce.

Is there a way to DM you this link, and it gets reviewed? (due to nature of contents)

Thank you!

Hi @JJKne, feel free to send me a DM with the link of your App, App export, or screen recording. I'm happy to look at it and add it to the internal report (if you would like me to). On the other hand, although there is not a fix for this issue yet, your feedback is greatly appreciated. It helps us in identifying the root cause of the issue and determining the most effective solution.

i have noticed it's only when you have the summary (row) turned on

Hello everyone!

Our two latest Cloud releases v3.71.0 and 3.72.0 included a fix for the flickering. We would love to know if you are still experiencing this issue with any of the configurations we shared. :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Paulo! I noticed the flickering yesterday on one of our web apps, but didn't get to record it.
If I see it again, I'll DM you :+1:

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I am (still) experiencing a similar issue with a ListView. I was able to work around the issue by adjusting the ListView's appearence properties -> Max height to a very high value. Not optimal, but it solves the flickering, which for me looks like it is in a loop caused by the scrollbar being added and removed continiously. It also happens in the editor.

Hi @coldice, welcome to the forum! Is this independent from the table component, or have we nested a table within the List View?


I have a similar problem when a table is nested within a list view. If I change the list height from auto to fixed, the issue seems to go away, but ideally I would have the list height be auto.

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