Table can't filter umlaut characters (ä, ö, ü)

I have a postgres query that returns an enum:

SELECT enumlabel
FROM pg_enum
WHERE enumtypid = 'contract_type'::regtype;

Then, I have a selector that gets populated with the enum values as options to choose from.

Below the selector is a table that pulls records from another query. When you select an enum value in the upper selector, the table data gets filtered and only the the records whose contract type matches the enum value get displayed.

The problem:

One enum value is "Gebühr" and the umlaut character makes the filtering fail. Instead of seeing the records whose contract type matches "Gebühr", I see an empty table.

How can I fix this so that the data gets displayed correctly?


Hey @Javi_V,

Are you able to share a screenshot of your second query, the one using the selector to pull the data using the enum filter?

Hi Miguel,

I can't share the query but it's just a 'SELECT * FROM table'.

Then on the actual retool table I have enabled a default filter where:

contract_type = {{ contractTypeSelector.selectedLabel }}

When the label has an umlaut (ü), this filter fails.


Thanks for reporting this. Looks like we need to add support for these characters. I made a feature request and will get back to you with any updates on this. Thank you!

Thanks abbey. Is there an "accepted" workaround that I can use in the meantime?

Hey @Javi_V,

I was thinking about this. There is a potential workaround.

You can add another column using contract_type as data source, then, in mapped value you can write:

{{  item.replace(/[äöüÄÖÜ]/g, match => ({
  'ä': 'a',
  'ö': 'o',
  'ü': 'u',
  'Ä': 'A',
  'Ö': 'O',
  'Ü': 'U'
}[match])) }}

then you can apply the same in your table's search term:

{{ textInput1.value.replace(/[äöüÄÖÜ]/g, match => ({
  'ä': 'a',
  'ö': 'o',
  'ü': 'u',
  'Ä': 'A',
  'Ö': 'O',
  'Ü': 'U'
}[match])) }}

So, even if the user writes using the special characters, this will be replaced with normal characters and it will find a match in the new column you created, which can be hidden from user view.

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Okay, I managed to solve it quite easily:

In the default filters, I changed the filter to be:

contract_type = {{
mySelector.selectedLabel.replace(/[äöüÄÖÜ]/g, match => ({
'ä': 'a',
'ö': 'o',
'ü': 'u',
'Ä': 'A',
'Ö': 'O',
'Ü': 'U'

And it worked. I think the tables automatically convert the problematic characters when they pull the data from the source, and hence the mismatch.