SQL IDE formatting breaks when single quotes wrap {{}}

Appears to be a bug in the SQL IDE formatting that highlights text outside of single quotes when you put single quotes around double braces (e.g., '{{date.value}}' -- all text that follows will appear to be within the single quotes based on the coloring. This doesn't affect functionality, but messes with the coloring formatting of queries such that they appear broken.

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just stopping by to link somewhere else this color/highlighting bug. they might not be the same, in which case feel free to let me know and I'll delete this :beers:

there's a similar coloring bug I mention at the bottom of this topic. although in general the topic is unrelated, this same bug can be seen in a different form with await instead of '{{date.value}}'

Thanks for reporting this bug @drewski. I've made a ticket for this specific case. It's hard to say for sure if the IDE bug you (@bobthebear) mentioned is related or not without knowing the underlying cause, but please leave your comment in the instance that a fix is pushed.

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