'Send email' block works individually but not in full run

Hi all,

I have a very basic workflow with the final step being an loop to send emails (containg data from a previous block).
When I run each block step by step, the 'Send email' block works well i.e., the emails are sent BUT when I run the full workflow: the 'Send email' block is noted as 'Successfully finished' (as the overall workflow) but no email is actually sent.

Has anyone experienced a similar issue?

Thanks a lot for your help!

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@David_Gautard Could you share screenshots of the workflow, particularly the SendURLsToGmail block?

Thanks a lot @ZeroCodez for looking at it.
Here are the screenshots:


Hi @David_Gautard - welcome to the community! :slightly_smiling_face:

When running the full workflow, have you verified that the expected data is being passed from one step to the next? You can inspect what data is being passed into each block via the same "Run history" interface. The logs suggest that the GetTransferContractsUrl query, in particular, is not successfully fetching from the https://api-env.getdefacto.com/loan/:loanId: endpoint.

I would double check that you've deployed the most recent version of your workflow and that your resources are all correctly configured for the correct environment (production vs. development).

Thanks a lot @Darren for your reply!
Indeed, it seems there is a problem with the GetTransferContractsUrl query: when I run it block by block it works (I see the expected results of the API call) but I receive lots of error message in the full run.

I would double check that you've deployed the most recent version of your workflow -> done, it's the latest version

I would double check that your resources are all correctly configured for the correct environment (production vs. development ) ->I will check



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