Self hosted local Retool not running by Docker Compose

Hello I am trying to build Self hosted local Retool by Docker Compose, I followed to Deploy Self-hosted Retool with Docker | Retool Docs this instruction, docker containers are up but web site http://my ip address:3000/auth/signup not opening can you help?

Temporal UI is opening but Retool not

Data package from November 29th. - here is docker compose log

Try this:

  • If you don't already, in your root/project directory> create '**.**devcontainer' folder (notice the preceding dot is bold - so not a typo)
  • in '.devcontainer' create a blank 'devcontainer.json' file
  • Go to: >> ((I have assumed until now that you have some kind of repo [Github or similar] so if not create a fresh repo and upload, at least, any package and package-lock files as well as, your existing docker(/compose) files, or any other files relevant for dependencies needed... and go ahead and template your file/project [sub]directories even if you leave them empty for now.)
  • On the site mentioned above, input your repo URL, copy and paste the output into your blank devcontainer.json file created in the first step.

From here, a couple options if you are still having trouble:
- simply regenerate the output (refresh icon in top right of the actual output widget on that page) and try again
- start fresh version of your project repo WITHOUT any docker(/compose) files etc BUT WITH the folder and .json created earlier still included
- if what you are trying to run in Docker is something forked or cloned from ReTools repo, try it with this URL instead - the tool may actually find an existing and compatible devcontainer file in a preexisting archive or repo etc of devcontainer templates or even a rouge ReTool devcontainer json someone has created and just never got shared or mentioned etc etc

If this is still not working, scroll down on the page I mentioned and find a link to the team's repo or just any URL/link to their other utility: daytona(.io):
- look at the docs/repo on how to install and run it, etc etc... (I CANNOT CODE or do the 'dev' thing - so if I can get this ...or any of what I mentioned here at all, you will figure it out!)

FINALLY, if it's still not working, start from where you have atleast the JSON we created above. Go to Gitpod and create a workspace, (if it asks, use the new GitPod Flex for the workspace, not Classic).
- Follow their steps and get it all set up and then try running everything LOCALLY in an IDE on your existing machine. (This works even if your machine DOES NOT have Docker or similar tool installed or, like my primitive rock with a keyboard that I frequently have to beat with a stick to get it to work [d.X_x.b] CANNOT run or install Docker or WSL etc)
-- Still nothing? Try installing and setting up Daytona from with the GitPod workspace then on step for creating your project's setup choose LOCAL >>> DAYTONA not GitPod Flex setup here...

... You will be on your own from the last step there, because with all the traumatic brain injuries I've had, I'm thankful I'm not a vegetable ....but at this point.... I start FEELING like one blankly started into the darkness ... and not the slightest idea where or what to swing my caveman stick at!

But feel free to ask any other questions. Hope this was enough to help at least a little!