Select row handler not executing when returning to view

When I click on a row in a table on view 0, it takes me to view 1 via event on click (control component to set current view to 0). From view 1, click icon (arrow) to return back to view 1. Then, reselect the same row to go back to view 1.

When I navigate back to view 0 via trigger on a back arrow icon component (control component to set current view to 0). I'm unable to reselect the same row to go back to view 1.

I tried:

  1. setting another event on the back arrow to clear cache on the the query populating the table on view 0
  2. creating event to trigger the query populating the table on view 0
  3. JS query to trigger on click of back arrow icon = null;`

Any other suggestions?

Hey slaw!

Perhaps when you are clicking on the back arrow add another handler to clear row selection or run script to do both!

Does this work?

Thanks @stefancvrkotic! Your approach lead me to find the Clear Selection method within the Control Component actions. Problem solved!

2023-05-26 at 13.09