Retools failing to start after the database maintenance yesterday

It fails to load at all.

Got it. And are you accessing it via IP or via a domain name? Can you try accessing it via http://<IP Address>:3000 if you are not already?

Accessing by domain name gets ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Accessing by http://:3000 gets ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT

Can you share the output of docker-compose ps ?

retoolonpremise_api_1 bash ... Up>3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retoolonpremise_db-connector_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retoolonpremise_db-ssh-connector_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retoolonpremise_https-portal_1 /init Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
retoolonpremise_jobs-runner_1 bash ... Up 3000/tcp, 3001/tcp, 3002/tcp
retoolonpremise_postgres_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp
retoolonpremise_user-postgres_1 postgres Up 5432/tcp

Hmm. That all looks good. This seems like it may be a networking issue. On your EC2 instance, have you configured inbound rules to allow traffic to the instance?

It works now, thank you Mark!
I only had the rules for port 22 and 443 before, and adding the rest fixed it.
I wonder why it was working without those rules before though.

Huh, that is very strange that it was working before. It is possible that the ssl cert was not renewing for some reason, and allowing http access gave it a chance to renew the certificate or something? You can probably remove the rules for port 3000 and 53, but I would keep the rule for port 80