Retool other Storage Database

Hi there,
I am trying to follow these steps:

I am not finding the right direction for the first step.
in this path I see the dirs:

  • retoolonpremise_data
  • retoolonpremise_ssh
  • retoolonpremise_user-data

Where do I have to execute this?

ok I successfully did Step 1 and 2 but a bit different.

I entered the docker Container with:
docker exec -it CONTAINERID bash

cd /var/lib/postgresql/data

and executed without "docker-compose exec postgres"

But now I have a further question to Step3
Where do I find the docker.env file :smiley:

I deployed retool with this command:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL" < <(echo "SSOP")

In Portainer I see this Containers:

They all seem to have some variables about the connection. Do I have to change this in all containers?

Hey @ziza, The docker.env file should be located in a /retool directory that should have been created by the install script. Let us know if you're having a hard time finding it. If that's the case, it'd be helpful if you could share further details on what you're seeing on your end.