Retool DB edit value bug: Missing FROM-clause

I have a table with the following column:

The value is used as a fk in other tables. I've gone through all the tables and set both On Delete and On Update to Cascade, but when I edit the value I get this weird error that says Missing FROM-clause entry for table "new_table".... there is no table with that name.

How I Got Here

I set JS to run on page load for an app, it checks if is in our database and navigates the user to another app..... I didn't consider the consequences of this :rofl: and now when I try to edit the app it automatically navigates somewhere else. My solution was to change the user_id in the database so the lookup fails, but I'm not sure that's going to work now.


the problem was actually from a function I added as a trigger. I had to use DbSchema to figure this out:


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.process_tg_user()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
        IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
            INSERT INTO ainsure_telegram_features (telegram_id, ai_chat_qa, link_ainsure_user, edit_telegram_email, edit_telegram_phone)
                SELECT n.telegram_id, true, true, false, false FROM new_table n
                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
            UPDATE ainsure_telegram_features
                SET (telegram_id) = new_table.telegram_id
                    WHERE new_table.telegram_id != old_table.telegram_id;
        END IF;
        RETURN NULL;


CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.process_tg_user()
 RETURNS trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
        IF (TG_OP = 'INSERT') THEN
            INSERT INTO ainsure_telegram_features (telegram_id, ai_chat_qa, link_ainsure_user, edit_telegram_email, edit_telegram_phone)
                VALUES (NEW.telegram_id, true, true, false, false)
                ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING;
            UPDATE ainsure_telegram_features
                SET telegram_id = NEW.telegram_id
                WHERE telegram_id = OLD.telegram_id;
        END IF;
        RETURN NULL;

Feature Requests(maybe?)

  • More robust error messages for PSQL
  • Display at least a placeholder for functions not originating from Retool as a tab along with tables and views.... or add a default table to hold function names we can view (while this wouldn't help find the error above, it could be step #1 in referencing functions in errors and linking to broken code or something)
  • Add a setting/option to force navigation to open in a new tab even when explicitly set to same-tab while in edit mode
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Thanks for the feedback and detailed report, @bobthebear! Glad you were able to move past the error!

I'll share this with our team internally.

:smile: I have gotten myself into a similar situation before where I used the history url param to step back and revert the redirect event, but that can be tricky if you made a bunch of other edits

For the new tab feedback, you could use the retoolContext to conditionally set it to open in new tab
CleanShot 2024-11-15 at 17.32.53@2x

ahhhhhhhhhh, thank you!!

I just noticed this is where environment and pageTag/version are, can these also be found somewhere in workflows where it looks like retoolContext is slightly different?

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Yeah it looks like retoolContext only has the config vars within Workflows, but there is also a workflowContext. :slightly_smiling_face:

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