Remember the Visibility of the Debug Panel

Whenever I open the debug panel, I often want to reload the page to see what flows through the query list. Yet, whenever I reload the page, the Debug panel has been reset to its initial visibility (i.e. hidden).

In my opinion, it would make sense to remember the state, through a cookie. - Additionally, the user could use a setting to control this behavior, but kind of seems like overkill.

Hi @emozio,

I agree the debug panel should stay open and just tested it out.

It seems that the debug panel stayed open for me after a hard browser refresh :thinking: it does switch over from 'timeline' or any other sub tabs back to the 'console' view, but that does show the flow of queries running.

If your debug panel is closing on refresh could you share a gif/screen recording of that to be so I can further investigate? It might be best to send that to me via DM if posting in this thread isn't smooth. Very odd :face_with_monocle: