Redshift SP CALL using Date input parameter fails - STATUS 400

Here's an example of SP Call that is failing from retool..

CALL schema.sp_test('UC0v1ABBB', '2019-08-01');

Here's the error..

spCall_1: {"status":400,"message":"invalid input syntax for type date: "$2"","error":true}

Above statement works perfectly outside of retool using DataGrip and Redshift web clients.

Some kind of format conversion is affecting call.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hey @romulus, and welcome to the community! You might need to check the “disable converting queries to prepared statements” checkbox on your Redshift resource.

Thanks for the suggestion justin, but in my case disabling conversion query preparation does not work. i.e. I use JS to dynamically generate SQL used for SP CALL.