Query resource doesn't change icon and wipe after reload page

  • Goal: Do a query in Postgres DB

  • Steps:

  1. Click to add a new query.
  2. Change query to DB query (JS -> Postgres, e.g.)
  • Details: when you click in query (JS) and change resource to DB, icon still the same and query content (keys, values) are all wiped, getting back to JS empty query (as it was created).

  • Problems find:

  1. Icon doesn't change to Postgres
  2. All Postgres query content was wiped, getting back to JS query type

Hey @kbrianps,

Thanks for reaching out! :thinking: Here are my initial thoughts:

It could be a permission issue (if your org is on the Business or Enterprise plan level). Do you see any browser console errors when you try to edit the app? Does this happen for other users in your org? Are you able to create and save queries of other types (JS, Slack, etc)? Are you able to save component changes?

If you click Create new -> resource query (instead of create new JS query), are you able to select your pg resource? This option should not be defaulting to a JS query if you have access to any other resources:
CleanShot 2024-11-18 at 08.14.07@2x

Otherwise, maybe it's an issue with your organizations plan level. All plans should allow users to create pg queries, but maybe the plan level got into a bad state. For example, if your free trial expired and your team hasn't manually selected a plan level, you could get stuck in a state where you can't save changes.

I'm having trouble locating your account with Retool to confirm the second point, but if you DM me your org's license key I can check on that.

Lastly, if you are using Retool self hosted, it would be helpful to see the container logs that occur around the time of trying to create and save a pg query