Public app: query does not work

We're running two public apps.

One of them works great - as expected.

The other one is not working properly.
The following query does not show any data.

Yes, we are working with the same database within the two apps.

Has anyone any idea what's going on and where to start searching for the cause of the problem?

Here ist the code:

DECLARE @queryDate DATETIME = [dbo].[ConvertJSToSQLDate]({{ var_shippingDate.value }})
DECLARE @shippingMethod INT = {{ var_shippingMethod.value }}
DECLARE @cloneReadyTimeInDays INT = {{ retoolContext.configVars.cloneReadyTimeInDays }}
DECLARE @cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPlug INT = {{ retoolContext.configVars.cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPlug }}
DECLARE @cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPot INT = {{ retoolContext.configVars.cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPot }}

EXEC [dbo].[GetPlantList] @queryDate, @shippingMethod, @cloneReadyTimeInDays, @cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPlug, @cloneAvailabilityTimeInDaysForPot

I found out, that removing the configVars solved my problem.

But they should work as well within a public app or not?

Hello @TomJaud!

Glad you were able to figure it out.

Not 100% certain but I would imagine in public apps that config vars are hidden/obfuscated to keep malicious actors from running JS and getting important/critical data from configVars for security reasons!