On Premise/Cloud Slider is gone from billing section

Been working with Support but wondering if anyone else noticed that the On Premise/Cloud slider is no longer showing in the Billing section. The billing details shows I have on-prem pro, but can't see the license key anymore. Anyone else successfully deploy On Premise Pro with proper licensing?

Hi @fcatanzaro - thanks for flagging! While self-serve on-premise is in beta we are feature flagging the billing portal. Sorry for missing your account email in this billing flag. If you could please message it here or to support - I’ll make sure your account is properly setup. Thanks!

When I login to the billing portal it takes me to cigid.retool.com, is that what you mean?
I’m also waiting on a support ticket, I’ve got retool running on prem, but the license I bought a couple of weeks ago is not picking up that it is a Pro plan so I’ve been issues a temporary trial by support until they figure this out. I saw that the versions had changed (in both cloud & on prem) so I installed the new version and was hoping that the key issue was resolved, that’s when I noticed I could no longer access the on-prem key in the billing portal…

Hey Franco,
Sorry for the confusion! I have followed up with you in your intercom conversation about this.

For anyone else who may come across this thread:

Self-serve on premise was/is beta and we ran into some bugs that led to it being hidden from public view so that no additional users could sign up for it while we work on fixing these billing management issues.

We are currently working on resolving those issues so that we can reintroduce self-serve in the coming weeks, and will make a more formal announcement when it is back. For now, you’ll need to reach out to Retool Support if you are encountering any issues with SSOP billing.