Need help- Multiple page mobile app development

Dear Retool community,

I am trying to build a fully customized multipage mobile app, it will have user Login, logout, profile update. My requirement is to call the login API when I hit the Login button and if the API response contains success then navigate to the user profile page , if not show an error message.

I am entering login and password on two text fields, and trying to pass them like {{ textInput_email.value }} and {{ textInputPassword.value }} as the URL parameters (email and password), but somehow a blank value was passed to the API.
API is getting response "email and Password must not be empty", which means no username and password passed to the API.

Any thoughts on what I am missing here?

Thank you,

Hi @Raj.bidw, welcome to the forum! :wave:
Could you share a screenshot with your Rest API resource? I would love to see how we are passing data to the request. On the other hand, are we sure the endpoint is expecting this data as URL param? To confirm this is the case, we could try making the request from a TPA like Postman.

Hi Paulo,
Thanks for reaching out to me. It's all set now, I made a small mistake, like added the URL parameters when I defined the resource Rest API connection, but passing the values from the text input. I removed them from the resource definition and passed them while using on the mobile app and it worked.


Awesome! Happy building. :hammer_and_pick: