Navigation partially shown on public link

Dear community,

I added a navigation module to be reused on multiple pages. While using it in the editor or on the preview, it is working well. However, when I make the pages public available, the menu is not working. The menu only consists of 2 elements (of 9) and pressing the reference to the other apps also does not work...

Am I doing something wrong?

Hey @sonicsw! How is your nav module set up? The "Go to app" action seems to be working for me :slight_smile:

Dear @victoria

the navigation module is consistent broken in the public sharing. To reproduce

Add component navigation to the module, all works.

Add an app to menu item 1, already broken

Start with nested navigation

Configure nested items to an app and they disappear and "open" option of menu items is gones...

Thank you for sharing all that! Are all the apps referenced in your module set to be public apps? And are there any failing network requests in your browser console? I haven't been able to quite reproduce this (it's working for me), which is good and bad news I suppose :sweat_smile: