For a work project i created a worflow with some blocks that retrieve recipients and data from differents tables and build an array of objects like this:
For a loop to function, it needs to loop on an array. It looks like mailQueue is returning an object, not an array, therefore there is nothing for the loop to loop on.
I am also wondering, what is shown when you hover over base64Doc, fileNameWithExt, and fileExt? Are those arrays?
If your primary challenge is programmatically adding an attachment, I've included a screenshot below of what works for me using the built-in "Retool Email" resource. As you can see, the attachment object has name, type, sizeBytes, and base64Data attributes. For an "SMTP resource, however, I think data, name, and contentType is correct.
The other thing you mentioned as an issue is just accessing certain values within the loop - is that correct? You should be able to see and manipulate the current element with the value keyword, as you've done in the last screenshot. Is it not returning the correct value?