Loading latency when redirected to another app

I am processing to create a multi nav bar but the issue comes when I want to link a button to another app with query parameters. The app takes as twice time to load with a huge latency before the called app is loaded .
Is there any reason this happens? How solve the probleme because at the time it's very confusing for the user?

PS; I have linked the app in the nav bar as well without any parameters and the sameissue occurs .

Hi @Ecommfox! Sorry to hear you are experience a lot of latency when navigating between apps. We're currently working on multipage apps, which will reduce latency when transitioning between different pages/apps. I'll update this thread when we're ready for early users!

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Hi @ming thank you very much that would be much appreciated . In the meantime do you recommend keeping all our interface inside one single app, (i.e multipage forms and dashboards) ?

Hi @Ecommfox!

We were facing the exact same problem, so maybe this could interest you: Example of navigation from "item list page" to "item details page" :blush:

Hope this kind of workarounds are not necessary in a future :crossed_fingers:

Thank you @JavierCane this post is gold I just started skip-reading it but I will get more into the details because I think this exactly what I need. I had started thinking about this solution but this is even better then what I had in mind. :blush: :handshake: