Issue with Snowflake query - with required field list

Hi Team, When I am trying to query from a table in Snowflake with SELECT * it is working fine - but when I tried querying with selected fields it is raising issue. Could you please help me with this?

SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 7 invalid identifier 'NAME'

    • error:true
    • message:"SQL compilation error: error line 1 at position 7 invalid identifier 'NAME'"
    • isRetoolSystemError:false
    • :arrow_forward:

queryExecutionMetadata:{} 5 keys
* estimatedResponseSizeBytes:131
* resourceTimeTakenMs:811
* isPreview:false
* resourceType:"snowflake"
* lastReceivedFromResourceAt:1733130825211

Hi @Mahesh_Nandam Thanks for reaching out! Does this mean you got your Snowflake connection working again?

:thinking: That looks like it should work. What if you query SELECT PUBLIC.CUSTOMERS.NAME from PUBLIC.CUSTOMERS or SELECT "NAME" from PUBLIC.CUSTOMERS ?

Otherwise, can you confirm, do you have prepared statements enabled on your resource config in Retool?

How are the column names formatted in the state tab?

Hey @Mahesh_Nandam just wanted to check in to see how things are going?

Hey @Tess, I see it is working now without any change.

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Glad to hear it's working!