Is it possible to rename an app without breaking its current url?

My understanding is that app urls are directly coupled to app and folder names. Url structure: {subdomain}{folder_name}/{app_name}. If you change the app or folder name, the previous url seems to no longer work.

Our typical Retool workflow is as follows:

  • Engineering team creates / updates / maintains apps on Retool (edit mode).
  • Non-technical ops people use those apps (read-only mode). Typically the engineering team creates bookmarks for them and they just click on the link / bookmark (as opposed to firing up Retool and opening the app via Cmd + K).

We (engineering team) would like to rename some apps & folders without breaking existing links. Is that possible?

Public / embedded links are kind of what I'm looking for, in the sense that those links are not coupled to app name & folder, but ideally we'd like to not make the app public and leverage Retool authentication & permissioning that work out of the box when one goes to a {subdomain}{folder_name}/{app_name} link.

It would be nice to be able to create a permanent link for each app that's not coupled to its app name/folder. For example, create a url such as {subdomain}{unique_id_that_doesnt_change} that maps to {subdomain}{folder_name}/{app_name}, similar to embedded links but without making the app public.


Named perma-links are not yet supported.

However, if you’re looking for end-users to have a static URL despite the changing URL of the app, public apps are your current way to get that.

Also, a common pattern is to use “go links” to re-map constantly changing URLs.

I hope this helps.