Inserting, moving and deleting records from tables

I am at my wits end.

I have been trying to create a system that displays all the records within a table. I have a form next to the table that I wanted to allow the user to enter a new record through. I also added two row actions to the table. One to move the record to another table and one to delete a record.

Some of the problems I have been having include getting blank record when moving a record, getting a blank record when deleting a record or queries running non-stop and deleting all my records.

I have tried writing my own SQL statements. That didn't work because I could not figure out how to insert a null value for a date. I tried using the GUI for the SQL query. I figured out how to enter null values, but still got errors such as no record, or the query not running at all.

I have tried triggering the query both directly and by running script. I have two or three other queries that I want to run after the initial query is successful, but was told they may not run in order and it was better to use a script.

If anyone could tell me what is the best and/or simplest way to insert, move, update and delete records, I would be very grateful. I have been working on this for two days and am starting to think I may have to try something other than retool.


Hey @tomm :wave:

Sounds very frustrating! Why don't you join Office Hours today and you can share your screen? Help is available there from 11:00am - 12:00pm pt.


Unfortunately, I won't be able to because I will be at work.

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No worries we can help get you unstuck async here :slight_smile: Could you send a json export of you application with hardcoded queries? You can do so by opening the debug console and clicking the download icon.


Admin.json (2.1 MB)

Hopefully this is what you meant.


@AbbeyHernandez, I just wanted to check and see if you got my file and if it was what you needed.

Hi @AbbeyHernandez. Did you get what you needed from me? I haven't heard back from you and just wondered if you have what you need to assist me. Thank you!

Hi @tomm! Thank you for checking in—I really appreciate it! I’m so sorry for the delay. This is in my backlog, but I’m prioritizing it and will get to it very soon.