Impossible to update

I try to update a record.
I have a "Filter By": stp_id = {{}}
But i have this error.

update "gestion_programme"."t_structure_programme" set "stp_id" = $1, "stp_code" = $2, "stp_libelle_fr" = $3, "stp_libelle_en" = $4, "stp_pro_id" = $5, "stp_campus_pro_id" = $6, "stp_niv_id" = $7, "stp_fil_id" = $8, "stp_sfil_id" = $9, "stp_exp_id" = $10, "stp_per_id" = $11, "stp_cyc_id" = $12 where "stp_id" = $13 returning * - column "stp_id" can only be updated to DEFAULT

I feel like retool don't find my primary key 'stp_id' and i try to update this value.
How i can't avoid this ? My primary key is OK in postgresql.

Thanks for help !

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Why are you using quotes around the column names? and the schema and the table? And how are $variables being defined?

:wave: Curious if we can also see how the update values are being defined in the query