My goal is to validate each individual ListView element (e.g. form1, form2, etc.). I want to make sure all of them are valid before the user can move onto the next step into a stepped container.
The issue I'm running into is that I'm unable to validate() each form independently from one another. If I add a second listView entry and run selectInput.validate(), for example, it will only validate the first iteration of the selectInput, not the second one I just added.
In the meantime, I've created a workaround function where each repeated form needs to be saved and validated (aka submitted), and I access this value through instanceValues. However, I was wondering if there was a simpler way to handle validation.
If you think about the list view, in your case it is an array of forms and so you would want to validate against each form element and specific form field in that array... unless you have constructed it in a way I am cannot think of at the moment.
I see. Are you saying that in order to achieve what I am going for (to make sure all forms are validated before enabling the user to continue), I should instead validate all fields in the array at once, instead of trying to validate the forms in parallel and independently from one another?
I think as each field in each form is filled out should be validated, and then validate the form before moving on to the next form would be my approach...not the array as a whole