How to merge data from from separate requests into one table

Hey Everyone,
I am trying to find a solution to my query.

In my app, there is a search bar. The data entered in this search bar searches the person from the Postgres DB. There is only one response ever because its user data.

Using the id of the returned response, I make a GET request which is shown in another table. The returned response is only one field or column.

I wanted to ask is there any way that I can show the content of table 2 as a row in table 1.

Please let me know if I am not clear.
Thanks :slight_smile:

Hey lelouchB, happy to help with this 😊

To help I need a little more context. When you say you want to show the contents of table 2 as a row in table 1, do you mean you want to show the single field returned from the GET request you reference in the table where the results from the search bar are shown?


Hey @everett_smith

I want to show the contents of the table2 as a column and not a row.

Yes, I want to show the single field returned from the GET request in the table where results from search bar are shown.


Hey lelouchB,

I see! Since you are wanting to add the single-field result of the second query as a column in the first table, and not a row, this should be doable. You could use a JS query to add the single field from the second query to the row object from the first table. You could then display the result of that JS query in the table. I hope you find that helpful and please let is know if you have any more questions!

For anyone else looking for this answer:

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