How do I update a specific row of data rather than the entire table?

As you can see, I'm developing a tool that allows me to upload a file and parse its content into a table.

Only the Company Name and FSSAI Number columns are present in the uploaded file, as are all of the blank custom columns.

The issue I'm having is that whenever I use the "Select" action button to select a specific row, I want that particular row details to change. But what happens is that when I click on a specific row, it changes the value of both rows, not just the one I'm on.

Hey @sauravkarmakar, welcome to the community :hugs:

Could you share your queries and setup? What does the select button do? What queries are you running to change the values?

Thanks @minijohn :slight_smile:

So when I click "Select" it triggers rest-api query (here, query1) which is a sync POST API call.

Then I have added custom columns to the table which gets the data from the query response.

Ah I see,

So your custom column's value will render the same content for all rows as it is set up currently.

Try maping over the results and only selecting the record which matches the primary key of it ( I assume the FSSAI number?) via {{current_row["FSSAI Number"]}}

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How should I write {{current_row["FSSAI Number"]}} in Value field in the Custom Column as you can see in the picture?

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@sauravkarmakar @minijohn any luck resolving this? I had the exact same question and was curious if you had an answer before banging my head on the keyboard for the next hour :sweat_smile:

For anyone wondering, I am having far more success over at this thread (although still not completely resolved just yet :crossed_fingers: )

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