How do i set autoColumnWidth on a Table?

I have tried to set it with a js query but it doesnt seem to work.

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Hi thanks for the reply, but there is a property called autoColumnWidth, but im not able to set it via javascript, i was wondering how to do that.

I don't believe it can be done programmatically at this time

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ok Thanks, its interessting because its mentioned here:

Hi @Martin_M Thanks for reaching out. As Scott mentions, autoColumnWidth is a read only property, so it currently cannot be set with Javascript.

It looks like that property is actually for a table configuration setting that is available yet. When it the feature ships, autoColumnWidth will be controlled by a checkbox under Appearance->Advanced

Hi all, if you're interested in changing this setting before it's available in the editor UI, you can read my post about it here - Table column width feature request - #4 by mitchmess

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Thank you! It looks like we just shipped an auto width checkbox under Appearance -> Advanced:

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