instead of going through everything i've tried and why i'm trying to accomplish this, i figured this might be easiest.
why, when using sql server's:
CAST(fieldThatOftenReturnsNumericValues as TEXT) as supplierItemSpec
does retool's table component insist on forcing supplierItemSpec numeric?
i love the auto-data-type-selection that happens, but i want it to select it correctly, especially if i'm explicit. is there a better way?
ftr, i've tried nvarchar, varchar, etc.
i've even done this:
CAST(fieldThatOftenReturnsNumericValues + ' ' as TEXT) as supplierItemSpec and if the records that initially populate the table are numeric only (even with the space) it auto sets to number.
of course, this will work:
CAST(fieldThatOftenReturnsNumericValues + ' -' as TEXT) as supplierItemSpec