Hey! I am trying to create a project management tool where I can create job cards that move across different project states (e.g., ToDo, In progress, Done). I understand Retool doesn't have a component to do this natively and that I probably have to use ListView, but I am not sure where to go from there. Do I create 3 Container List Views (one for each project state)? 3 List Views within 1 container? I would ideally like to be able to add a card (via a button) and based on the status it moves along to each project state. Where do I start?
Hey @Hebron_Daniel,
I think a good starting point is creating a variable or a table in the database with all the statuses that you want for your board. Something as simple as this works:
['new', 'in progress', 'complete', abandoned']
If you create a listView based on this status and change the orientation to horizontal, you get the columns on a traditional kanban board.
Then you can create a listView inside the listView (nested) and make the datasource something like: {{ formatDataAsArray(query1.data).filter( x => x.status == item ) }}
This will grab all the cards (assuming you have a table for them) with each of the statuses and put them in the right column.
Hope this helps you get started!
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